The Damned is a story that falls under the Drama, Horror, Mystery category. Written by Jamie Hannigan and directed by Thordur Palsson, this movie captures audiences with its engaging story. Produced by John Keville, Conor Barry, Kamilla Kristiane Hodol, Emilie Jouffroy, Theresa Steele Page, Nate Kamiya, Tim Headington and presented by Ley Line Entertainment, Wild Atlantic Pictures, Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland, Join Motion Pictures, Wrong Men, Protagonist Pictures, the film premiered on 2025-01-03 and runs for 89 minutes.
The Damned Movie Details
Original Language | English |
Release Date | 2025-01-03 |
Runtime | 89 minutes |
Rating | 5.8 |
Genres | Drama, Horror, Mystery |
Writers | Jamie Hannigan |
Directors | Thordur Palsson |
Production Companies | Ley Line Entertainment, Wild Atlantic Pictures, Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland, Join Motion Pictures, Wrong Men, Protagonist Pictures |
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The Damned Movie Story
A 19th-century widow is tasked with making an impossible choice when, during an especially cruel winter, a ship sinks off the coast of her impoverished Icelandic fishing village. Any attempt to rescue survivors risks further depleting the starving villagers’ supplies.
The Damned Movie Rating
The Damned has received a rating of 5.8. This movie belongs to Drama, Horror, Mystery, making it a must-watch for fans of this genre!
The Damned Movie Review
The Damned is an exciting journey that grabs your attention from start to finish. This Drama, Horror, Mystery offers a thrilling Adventure that keeps you engaged. With outstanding performances and a captivating story, this movie is definitely worth watching. Don’t miss out on this amazing cinematic experience!
Visually, the film is stunning, with breathtaking cinematography and impressive special effects. The score perfectly complements the on-screen Action, heightening the emotional impact of each scene. Overall, The Damned is a must-watch for fans of Drama, Horror, Mystery. It’s a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll.
Would you recommend it? Absolutely! If you’re looking for a Drama, Horror, Mystery cinematic experience, this is the perfect choice.
Q1: Who directed The Damned movie?
Ans: Thordur Palsson directed The Damned movie.
Q2: What genres does The Damned movie belong to?
Ans: The Damned movie belongs to Drama, Horror, Mystery.
Q3: When was The Damned movie released?
Ans: The Damned movie was released on 2025-01-03.