[PDF] Livestock and Poultry Management Notes

Livestock & Poultry Management

Livestock and Poultry Management – BSc Agriculture is an undergraduate four years program divided into eight semesters focused on the science and practice of farming and crop production. It covers a range of topics including soil science, plant biology, pest management, and agricultural economics. This degree prepares students for careers in farming, agribusiness, research, and environmental management, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills to address global food security and sustainable agricultural practices.

Livestock and Poultry Management Download

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Livestock & Poultry Management4(3+1)

Role of livestock in the national economy. Reproduction in farm animals and poultry. Housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock and poultry. Management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals. Management of sheep, goat and swine. Incubation, hatching and br ooding. Management of growers and layers.
Important Indian and exotic breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry. Improvement of farm animals and poultry.
Digestion in livestock and poultry. Classification of feedstuffs. Proximate principles of feed. Nutrients and their functions. Feed ingredients for ration for livestock and poultry.
Feed supplements and feed additives. Feeding of livestock and poultry.
Introduction of livestock and poultry diseases. Prevention (including vaccination schedule) and control of important diseases of livestock and poultry.
External body parts of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry. Handling and restraining of livestock. Identification methods of farm animals and poultry. Visit to IDF and
IPF to study breeds of livestock and poultry and daily routine farm operations and farm records. Judging of cattle, buffalo and poultry. Culling of livestock and poultry. Planning
and layout of housing for different types of livestock. Computation of rations for livestock. Formulation of concentrate mixtures. Clean milk production, milking methods.
Hatchery operations, incubation and hatching equipments. Management of chicks, growers and layers. Debeaking, dusting and vaccination. Economics of cattle, buffalo, sheep,
goat, swine and poultry production

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