The ICAR JRF exam is a gateway for students aiming to secure junior research fellowships in various agricultural fields, offering an excellent opportunity for those looking to advance in agricultural research. Aspiring candidates often seek a detailed syllabus to streamline their preparation effectively. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to the ICAR JRF syllabus , along with a downloadable PDF to make your preparation smoother and more accessible.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


(Sub-Subjects: 5.1: Agronomy]

UNIT-I: General Agriculture

  1. Significance of Agriculture: Overview of agriculture’s role in the national economy and foundational crop production principles.
  2. Crop Cultivation: Key practices in the cultivation of essential crops, including rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon pea, sugarcane, groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, and potato.
  3. Soil Science: Overview of major soil types in India and the role of essential nutrients (NPK), including deficiency symptoms.
  4. Plant Biology:
    • Cellular Structure: Cell organelles, mitosis, and meiosis.
    • Genetics: Mendelian genetics fundamentals.
  5. Plant Physiology: Basics of photosynthesis, respiration, photorespiration, and transpiration.
  6. Biochemistry: Structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, and vitamins.
  7. Pest and Disease Management: Identification and management of major pests and diseases affecting crops like rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, and sugarcane.
  8. Rural Development Programs: Important programs supporting rural agriculture in India and the organizational structure of agricultural research, education, and extension.
  9. Statistics: Introduction to basic statistical methods in agricultural research.

UNIT-II: Principles of Agronomy, Crop Ecology, and Agricultural Meteorology

  1. Agronomy:
    • Definition, scope, and relevance.
    • National and international agricultural research institutions in India.
    • Agro-climatic zones of India.
    • Tillage, crop stand establishment, and planting geometry.
    • Concepts in organic, precision, and integrated farming.
    • Principles of field experimentation.
  2. Crop Ecology and Adaptation: Crop ecology, climate shifts, agro-ecological zones, and geographical distribution of crops.
  3. Meteorology:
    • Impact of climatic factors on plant processes.
    • Greenhouse effect, global warming, and GIS and GPS applications in agriculture.
    • Fundamentals of weather, climate, solar radiation, atmospheric temperature, humidity, and weather forecasting.

UNIT-III: Field Crops Cultivation

  1. Crop Classification and Characteristics:
    • Cereals: Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl millet, minor millets, and barley.
    • Pulses: Chickpea, lentil, peas, pigeon pea, mungbean, and urdbean.
    • Oilseeds: Groundnut, sesame, soybean, rapeseed and mustard, sunflower, safflower, and linseed.
    • Fiber Crops: Cotton, jute, and sun hemp.
    • Sugar Crops: Sugarcane.
    • Fodder & Forage: Sorghum, maize, napier, berseem, Lucerne, and oats.
    • Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Menthe, lemongrass, and isabgol.
    • Commercial Crops: Potato and tobacco.
  2. Best Practices: Soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices, and yield optimization for each crop category.

UNIT-IV: Weed Management

  1. Principles of Weed Management: Foundation of weed management, including classification, biology, and ecology of weeds.
  2. Weed-Crop Interactions: Concepts of crop-weed competition and allelopathy.
  3. Weed Control Strategies: Integrated weed management (IWM) methods, including classification, formulations, selectivity, and herbicide resistance.
  4. Herbicides: Persistence in soil and plants, methods of application, and equipment used.
  5. Weed Management in Cropping Systems: Shifts in weed flora and management of special/problematic weeds in both cropped and non-cropped areas, including field crops.

UNIT-V: Water Management

  1. Irrigation Principles: Overview of irrigation development and water resources in India.
  2. Water and Irrigation Requirements: Approaches to irrigation scheduling and methods.
  3. Irrigation Efficiency: Measurement, application, distribution, and usage efficiency.
  4. Water Quality and Conjunctive Use: Management of irrigation water quality and conjunctive water use.
  5. Field Crop Water Management: Specific management practices for crops like rice, wheat, maize, groundnut, and sugarcane.
  6. Agricultural Drainage: Importance and techniques of agricultural drainage.

UNIT-VI: Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use

  1. Plant Nutrients: Essential nutrients, deficiency symptoms, and the concept of nutrient essentiality.
  2. Soil Fertility Indicators: Key indicators of soil fertility and productivity.
  3. Fertilizers: Types, availability, slow-release fertilizers, and nitrification inhibitors.
  4. Fertilizer Application: Principles, methods, and integrated nutrient management (INM).
  5. Site-Specific Nutrient Management: Tailored nutrient management practices.

UNIT-VII: Dryland Agronomy

  1. Dryland Farming: Characteristics and delineation of dryland regions, including the challenges in Indian dryland farming.
  2. Drought Management: Types of droughts, management strategies, and contingency planning.
  3. Weather Adaptation: Mid-season corrections and recycling in response to unusual weather.
  4. Watershed Management: Role and practices in dryland farming.

UNIT-VIII: Problem Soils

  1. Classification and Distribution: Types of problem soils in India and their characteristics.
  2. Reclamation: Methods for reclaiming problematic soils.
  3. Crop Production Techniques: Specialized practices for crop production in problem soils.

UNIT-IX: Sustainable Land Use Systems

  1. Sustainable Agriculture: Key parameters and indicators of sustainable practices.
  2. Conservation Agriculture: Conservation methods and safe disposal of agri-industrial waste.
  3. Agro-Forestry and Alternate Systems: Importance of agro-forestry, shifting cultivation, and alternate land use systems.
  4. Wasteland Remediation: Techniques for rehabilitating wastelands for crop production.



  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 2.1: Plant Breeding & Genetics,
  • 2.2: Plant Pathology,
  • 2.3: Agricultural Microbiology/Microbiology,
  • 2.4: Seed Science & Technology,
  • 2.5: Plant Genetic Resources)

UNIT-I: Importance of Agriculture and Crop Production

  1. Agriculture in the National Economy: Significance of agriculture in supporting the economy.
  2. Crop Production Basics: Core principles of crop cultivation and management.
  3. Key Crops and Cultivation: Cultivation practices for staple and commercial crops such as rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato, potato, and mango.
  4. Soil Science: Major soil types in India and the essential roles of nutrients (NPK), including identification of nutrient deficiency symptoms.

UNIT-II: Plant Biology and Pest Management

  1. Cell Biology: Structure and function of cell organelles, with an emphasis on mitosis and meiosis.
  2. Genetics and Physiology: Fundamentals of Mendelian genetics, and an overview of photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration processes.
  3. Biomolecules: Structure and functions of key biomolecules, including carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, and vitamins.
  4. Pest and Disease Management: Identification and management of major pests and diseases affecting rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, and sugarcane.

UNIT-III: Microbiology, Genetics, and Seed Technology

  1. Microbial Characteristics: Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms; comparison of fungi, bacteria, mycoplasmas, and viruses.
  2. Genetic Mechanisms:
    • Physical and chemical foundations of heredity, chromosome structure, and the operon concept.
    • Protein biosynthesis, genetic transformation, recombination, and heterosis.
  3. Plant Pathology:
    • Integrated disease management; sterilization, disinfection, and pasteurization.
    • Identification of disease agents for rusts, smuts, powdery/downy mildews, and other common plant diseases.
  4. Plant Physiology and Seed Technology:
    • Roles of pH, buffers, vitamins, and plant hormones in seed germination and dormancy.
    • Reproductive processes in flowering plants (pollination and fertilization).
    • Seed testing methods, and production of breeder, foundation, and certified seeds in self- and cross-pollinated crops.
  5. Microbial Processes in Agriculture: Nitrate assimilation, biological nitrogen fixation, and agricultural uses of microorganisms.

UNIT-IV: Agricultural Development and Industry

  1. Agricultural Bioproducts: Importance of food processing, composting, and biogas production for sustainable agriculture.
  2. Rural Development: Key rural development programs in India and their impact on agricultural progress.
  3. Agricultural Research and Extension: Overview of the organizational setup for agricultural research, education, and extension in India.



  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 3.1: Agricultural / Agro. Meteorology,
  • 3.2 : Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry/ Soil Conservation and Water Management/ SWC/ Irrigation and Water Management,
  • 3.3: Agricultural Physics,
  • 3.4: Agricultural Chemicals,
  • 3.5: Organic Farming,
  • 3.6: Environmental Science

UNIT-I: Fundamentals of Agriculture and Crop Production

  1. Agriculture in the National Context: Significance of agriculture within the national economy and society.
  2. Principles of Crop Production:
    • Diversification: Importance of crop and agricultural diversification.
    • Nutrient and Water Management: Foundational principles for effective crop nutrition and water use.
    • Crop-Specific Practices: Key practices for rice, wheat, sorghum, maize, chickpea, pigeon pea, potato, sugarcane, groundnut, and major vegetable crops.
  3. Plant Nutrients: Role of essential nutrients, identifying deficiency symptoms, and exploring management options.
  4. Plant Cell Structure and Function: Overview of plant cell structure, cell division, and plant physiological processes related to crop production.
  5. Biochemical Compounds: Structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, fats, and vitamins in plant growth.
  6. Rural Development Programs: Key programs supporting rural development and livelihood security.
  7. Agricultural Institutions: Organizational setup for agricultural education, research, and extension, along with future strategies for improvement.

UNIT-II: Fundamentals of Chemistry in Agriculture

  1. Analytical Methods:
    • Volumetric and Gravimetric Analysis: Including complexometric methods.
    • Instrumental Analysis: Basics of spectrophotometry, absorption and emission spectrography.
  2. Atomic Structure and Chemistry Concepts:
    • Introduction to atomic structure, radioactivity, and elemental classification.
    • Principles of compounds, solubility product, hydrolysis, buffers, equivalent weights, and standard solutions.
  3. Organic Chemistry:
    • Basic Organic Compounds: Nomenclature and classification of hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, and nucleic acids.
  4. Pesticides: Classification, uses, and types, including biopesticides and botanical pesticides.

UNIT-III: Soil Science and Plant Growth

  1. Soil Composition and Formation: Earth’s crust composition, rock and mineral weathering, soil components, and soil profile.
  2. Soil Particles and Physical Properties:
    • Physical, mineralogical, and chemical nature of soil particles.
    • Mechanical analysis, Stokes’ law, and its applications in soil science.
  3. Soil Properties:
    • Physical properties: Density, porosity, texture, and structure.
    • Rheological properties, calculations for porosity and bulk density.
  4. Soil Aeration and Temperature:
    • Causes and impact of aeration on plant growth.
    • Sources and losses of soil heat, and factors affecting soil temperature.
  5. Soil Water: Water structure, soil-water-energy relationships, movement in soil, and classifications.
  6. Soil Colloids: Properties of silicate clay minerals, concepts of cation and anion exchange capacity, and soil buffering.
  7. Problem Soils:
    • Characteristics, formation, and management of acid, saline, sodic, and acid sulfate soils.
  8. Irrigation and Water Quality: Basic features of waterlogged soils and comparison with upland soils.

UNIT-IV: Plant Nutrients and Soil Fertility

  1. Essential Nutrients:
    • Criteria for nutrient essentiality, nutrient functions in plant growth, and nutrient uptake mechanisms.
    • Nutrient forms in soil, deficiency symptoms, luxury consumption, and nutrient interactions.
  2. Soil Fertility and Evaluation: Methods of assessing soil fertility, soil testing, and fertilizer recommendations.
  3. Soil Classification: Diagnostic surface and subsurface horizons, soil survey objectives, and land capability classifications.
  4. Remote Sensing and Agriculture:
    • Basics of SIS, GIS, and GPS, and their applications in agriculture.
    • Elementary radioisotope concepts and their agricultural uses.
  5. Soil Microorganisms and Organic Matter:
    • Soil microorganism classification and roles, organic matter decomposition, Cratios, mineralization and immobilization, and the significance of humus.
  6. Soil Erosion: Types of erosion and effective control measures.
  7. Fertilizers and Manures: Types of fertilizers (NPK), soil reactions, green manuring, organic waste recycling, and composting.
  8. Soil and Water Pollution: Overview of pollution sources, pollutants in soil, and management strategies.



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  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 1.1: Plant Biochemistry/ Bio. Chem.
  • 1.2: Plant Biotechnology & Molecular Biology/Biotechnology,
  • 1.3: Plant /Crop Physiology

UNIT-I: Foundations of Agriculture and Crop Science

  1. Agriculture in the National Economy: Importance of agriculture to economic growth and sustainability.
  2. Crop Production Principles:
    • Key Crop Cultivation: Essential practices for rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato, and mango.
    • Soil Science: Overview of major soils in India and the roles of nutrients (NPK), including deficiency symptoms and management.
  3. Cell Biology and Genetics:
    • Cell Organelles: General structure and functions, with focus on mitosis and meiosis.
    • Mendelian Genetics: Basic principles relevant to plant breeding and crop improvement.
  4. Plant Physiology:
    • Growth Processes: Overview of growth and development stages, photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration.
  5. Economic Botany: Importance of botany in agricultural production and plant utility.
  6. Biochemistry:
    • Macromolecules: General structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, and vitamins in plant systems.
  7. Pest and Disease Management:
    • Major pests and diseases of key crops (rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, sugarcane) and strategies for integrated management.
  8. Organic and Biotechnology Approaches:
    • Organic Farming: Use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
    • Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA technology and transgenic crop development.
  9. Agricultural Development Programs:
    • Overview of rural development initiatives, the structure of agricultural research, education, and extension programs in India.
  10. Statistics in Agriculture: Introduction to statistical tools and their applications in agricultural research.

UNIT-II: Biochemistry in Agricultural Science

  1. Agricultural Biochemistry: Relevance and applications in crop health and productivity.
  2. Basic Chemistry Concepts:
    • Acid-Base Chemistry: pH, buffers, and their significance in soil and plant systems.
  3. Macromolecules in Metabolism:
    • Structure and metabolic functions of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
    • Nucleic Acids: Structure and roles of DNA and RNA in genetic functions.
  4. Enzyme Biochemistry:
    • Structure, nomenclature, mechanism of enzyme action, and the roles of vitamins and minerals as cofactors and coenzymes.
  5. Metabolic Pathways:
    • Overview of glycolysis, the TCA cycle, fatty acid oxidation, triglyceride biosynthesis, and electron transport chain processes.
  6. Photosynthesis Pathways:
    • C-3, C-4, and CAM photosynthetic pathways and nitrate assimilation.
  7. Biochemical Techniques:
    • Basics of colorimetric and chromatographic techniques for analyzing plant and soil samples.

UNIT-III: Microbiology, Genetics, and Biotechnology

  1. Microbiology Basics:
    • Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, including differences among fungi, bacteria, mycoplasmas, and viruses.
  2. Genetics and Molecular Biology:
    • Heredity: Physical and chemical basis, chromosome structure, DNA replication, transcription, and translation.
    • Genetic Code and Regulation: Operon concept and gene expression.
  3. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology:
    • Techniques: Use of restriction enzymes, vectors, gene cloning, and gene transfer methods.
    • Plant Cell Culture: Tissue culture techniques, micro-propagation, somaclonal variation, and plant transformation.
  4. Biotechnology Applications:
    • Heterosis, bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, molecular and immunological methods, and general biotechnological advancements in agriculture.

UNIT-IV: Plant Physiology and Crop Management

  1. Importance of Plant Physiology: Role of physiological processes in crop productivity.
  2. Seed Science:
    • Germination: Seed viability, vigor, and key factors influencing early growth.
  3. Photosynthesis and Respiration:
    • Detailed look at C-3, C-4, and CAM pathways and implications of photorespiration.
  4. Assimilate Translocation:
    • Dry matter partitioning, harvest index, and crop yield potential.
  5. Growth Analysis:
    • Crop-water relationships, nutrient functions, and growth indices.
  6. Plant Hormones:
    • Role of phytohormones in regulating growth, development, and responses to environmental cues.
  7. Flowering and Reproductive Processes:
    • Concepts of photoperiodism, vernalization, pollination, and fertilization.
  8. Post-Harvest Physiology:
    • Significance of post-harvest physiology for crop quality and storage.


  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 4.1: Entomology,
  • 4.2 : Nematology,
  • 4.3: Sericulture

UNIT-I: Agricultural Foundations and Crop Science

  1. Agriculture in the National Economy
    • Significance of agriculture in economic growth and sustainability.
  2. Core Principles of Crop Production
    • Key practices for cultivating rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato, cole crops, mango, grapes, banana, and oilseeds beyond groundnut, soybean, and mustard.
  3. Soil Science
    • Overview of India’s major soils, with an emphasis on the role of NPK nutrients, deficiency symptoms, and soil health.
  4. Genetics and Plant Physiology
    • Mendelian Genetics: Foundation of hereditary principles.
    • Basic Physiology: Overview of photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration processes essential for crop growth.
  5. Cropping Systems and Soil Management
    • Types of cropping systems: rice-wheat rotations, mixed cropping, crop rotations.
    • Soil Degradation: Challenges of soil salinity and acidity and sustainable management approaches.
  6. Post-Harvest Technology
    • Key post-harvest processes to enhance crop storage and shelf life.
  7. Varietal Improvement and Heterosis
    • The role of heterosis (hybrid vigor) in crop yield improvement.
  8. Crop Protection
    • Field and Storage Protection: Principles of crop protection in both field and storage settings.
    • Pest and Disease Management: Identifying and managing insect pests and diseases in crops such as rice, cotton, pulses, oilseeds (groundnut, soybean, mustard), vegetables (tomato, cole crops), and fruits (mango, banana).
    • Transgenic Crops: Use of genetic engineering to enhance crop resilience.
  9. Rural Development and Agricultural Research
    • Overview of India’s rural development programs, the organizational structure of agricultural research, education, and extension services.
  10. Basic Statistics
  • Introduction to statistical tools and applications in agriculture.

UNIT-II: Entomology and Pest Management

  1. Animal Kingdom Classification
    • Classification of the animal kingdom up to class level, with specific attention to insect orders.
  2. Insect Morphology and Physiology
    • Insect Anatomy: General insect morphology with a focus on lepidopteran larvae, coleopteran adults, and honeybees.
    • Metamorphosis and Moulting: Overview of insect developmental stages.
    • Physiological Systems: Basic understanding of insect physiology.
  3. Insect-Plant Interactions
    • Study of the ecological relationship between insects and plants, focusing on the impact of pest behavior on crop health.
  4. Agricultural and Horticultural Pests
    • Identification, biology, damage assessment, and management strategies for pests affecting agricultural, horticultural, and stored crops, as well as insect vectors of plant diseases.
  5. Household, Medical, and Veterinary Pests
    • Overview of pests affecting household, medical, and veterinary settings, with control methods.
  6. Beneficial Insects
    • Importance of honeybees, lac insects, silkworms, and pollinators in agriculture.
  7. Nematology
    • Taxonomy and Biology: Classification and life cycle of key plant-parasitic nematodes.
    • Nematode Management: Control of plant-parasitic nematodes and use of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control.
  8. Pest Management Principles
    • Integrated pest management approaches, including cultural, biological, chemical, and regulatory methods.
    • Insecticide Use: Classification, application, and management of insecticide resistance.
  9. Transgenic Crops for Pest Protection
    • Genetic modification strategies to develop pest-resistant transgenic crops for enhanced crop security.


  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 6.1: Agricultural Economics,
  • 6.2: Agriculture Extension Education

UNIT-I: Foundations of Agricultural Science and Crop Production

  • Agriculture’s Role in National Economy: Overview of agriculture’s contribution to the national economy.
  • Principles of Crop Production: Techniques for cultivating key crops like rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato, and mango.
  • Soil Science: Types of Indian soils, importance of NPK nutrients, and their deficiency symptoms.
  • Plant Biology and Physiology: Structure and function of cell organelles, mitosis and meiosis, and basics of Mendelian genetics.
  • Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Transpiration: Key physiological processes in plants.
  • Biochemistry in Agriculture: Roles of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, and vitamins in plant growth.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Identification and control of major pests and diseases in crops like rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, and sugarcane.
  • Agricultural Research and Rural Development: Rural development programs, the structure of agricultural research, and the extension in India.
  • Statistics for Agriculture: Basics of central tendency, dispersion, regression, correlation, probability, sampling, and significance testing.

UNIT-II: Economic Principles in Agriculture

  • Consumer Behavior and Demand Theory: Analysis of demand elasticity and indifference curves.
  • Firm Theory and Market Dynamics: Concepts of firm cost curves, supply, price determination, and market classification.
  • Macroeconomics in Agriculture: Overview of money, banking, and national income.
  • Agricultural Marketing: Role of institutions, challenges, capital needs, crop insurance, and cooperative practices.
  • Globalization and WTO: The impact on Indian agriculture, agrarian reforms, and global trade influences.

UNIT-III: Farm Management and Agricultural Finance

  • Farm Management: Fundamentals of farming systems, production economics, and budgeting.
  • Agricultural Finance and Credit: Analysis of agricultural credit, time value of money, and classification and assessment of credit (4R’s, 5C’s, and 7 P’s).
  • History and Institutions in Agricultural Finance: Key institutions like RBI, NABARD, and World Bank, and initiatives such as the Lead Bank Scheme and regional rural banks.

UNIT-IV: Extension Education and Rural Development

  • Extension Education: Concept, principles, and scope of extension education, program planning, and evaluation.
  • Global Extension Models: Development of agricultural extension in the USA, Japan, and India.
  • Rural Sociology: Social stratification, differences between rural and urban communities, social organization, and change in rural India.
  • Psychology and Leadership in Extension: Understanding the role of personality, rural leadership, and educational psychology in agricultural extension.
  • Rural Development: Evolution of rural development programs in India and the impact on rural community dynamics.

UNIT-V: Communication and Cyber Extension

  • Communication in Extension: Core principles, processes, and barriers in agricultural communication.
  • Media in Extension: Methods and types of communication, including AV materials and media mix.
  • Modern Extension Techniques: Cyber extension, Kisan Call Centers, teleconferencing, and agriculture journalism.
  • Innovation Diffusion and Capacity Building: Methods of innovation diffusion, adopter categories, and training programs for farmers, women, and rural youth.


  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 7.1: Agricultural Statistics,
  • 7.2: Computer Application,
  • 7.3: Bioinformatics

UNIT-I: Agriculture and Its Economic Importance

  • Significance in National Economy: Contributions of agriculture, forestry, and livestock to the Indian economy.
  • Crop Production Fundamentals: Principles and practices in crop production.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Major crop pests and diseases and their management.
  • Basic Economics and Agri-Extension: Key principles of agricultural economics and extension.
  • Rural Development Programs: Important rural development initiatives in India.
  • Agricultural Organizational Structure: Overview of research, education, and extension organizations in Indian agriculture.

UNIT-II: Mathematics for Agricultural Sciences

  • Numbers and Polynomials: Real and complex numbers, polynomial roots, and applications of de Moivre’s theorem.
  • Set Theory: Concepts including De Morgan’s laws, vector spaces, linear independence, and orthogonality.
  • Matrices and Determinants: Operations on matrices, rank, inverse, solution of linear equations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
  • Series and Convergence: Infinite sequences and series, convergence tests, absolute convergence.
  • Coordinate Geometry: Lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas in two dimensions.
  • Differential Calculus: Limits, differentiation, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems, maxima and minima, partial differentiation, and Euler’s theorem.
  • Integral Calculus: Techniques of integration, applications of double integrals, Gamma and Beta functions.
  • Differential Equations: First-order equations, Exact and Bernoulli’s equations, Clairaut’s equation, complementary functions, and particular integrals.
  • Finite Differences and Numerical Methods: Interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, Newton-Raphson method.

UNIT-III: Statistics for Agriculture

  • Introduction to Statistics: Definition, usage, and limitations.
  • Frequency Distributions and Central Tendency: Mean, median, mode, geometric and harmonic means.
  • Dispersion Measures: Range, mean deviation, quartile deviation, variance, and coefficient of variation.
  • Probability Theory: Basic concepts, laws of probability, Bayes’ theorem, binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions.
  • Sampling and Error Analysis: Random sampling, standard error, hypothesis testing, and large sample tests.
  • Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests: Student’s t-test, F-test, Chi-Square test.
  • Correlation and Regression: Measures, tests of significance, and simple experimental designs (CRD, RBD).
  • Experimental Design: Principles of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for basic experimental layouts.

UNIT-IV: Computer Applications in Agriculture

  • Computer Basics: Input/output devices, memory, hardware/software fundamentals.
  • Operating Systems: Basic DOS commands, file types, Windows Explorer, and time/date settings.
  • Application Software: MS Word, Excel (data analysis, statistical functions, graph creation), PowerPoint, and Access (database concepts).
  • Programming and Internet Basics: Flowcharts, algorithms, and basics of programming in BASIC, FORTRAN, and C. Overview of internet use, web browsing, and email.
  • Bioinformatics: NCBI GenBank sequence database, primary and secondary biological databases.

UNIT-V: Communication, Extension, and Rural Development

  • Communication Fundamentals: Principles, process, and barriers in agricultural communication.
  • Extension Methods and Tools: Various communication techniques, media, and audiovisual aids in extension.
  • Cyber Extension: Internet-based extension, Kisan Call Centers, teleconferencing, agricultural journalism.
  • Rural Development and Sociology: Indian rural systems, rural vs. urban sociology, rural leadership, social stratification, and rural organization.
  • Adult Education and Extension: Adult education techniques, teaching methods, psychology of learning and teaching.
  • Innovation and Adoption: Diffusion of innovations, adopter categories, and capacity building through training for farmers, women, and rural youth.


  • Sub-Subjects:
  • 8.1: Vegetable Science
  • 8.2: Fruit Science 8.3: Post-Harvest Management
  • 8.4: Floriculture & Landscaping
  • 8.5: Plantation Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops

UNIT-I: Basics of Agriculture and Crop Science

  1. Agriculture’s Economic Importance: Role of agriculture in India’s national economy.
  2. Crop Production Principles: Foundational methods and practices in crop production.
  3. Cultivation of Major Crops: Techniques for cultivating staple crops such as:
    • Cereals: Rice, wheat.
    • Pulses: Chickpea, pigeon pea.
    • Commercial Crops: Sugarcane, groundnut.
    • Vegetables and Fruits: Tomato, mango.
  4. Indian Soils and Nutrient Management: Key soil types, the role of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) in plant health, and signs of NPK deficiency.
  5. Basic Plant Biology:
    • Cellular Structure: Function of cell organelles, and processes like mitosis and meiosis.
    • Genetics: Mendelian principles.
    • Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Transpiration: Elementary concepts.
    • Biochemistry: Structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, and vitamins.
  6. Pest and Disease Management:
    • Major pests and diseases affecting rice, wheat, cotton, chickpea, and sugarcane.
  7. Rural Development Programs: Key rural development initiatives in India.
  8. Agricultural Research and Extension: Organizational structure for research, education, and extension in agriculture in India.
  9. Statistics in Agriculture: Basic statistical concepts and applications.

UNIT-II: Horticulture, Floriculture, and Crop Improvement

  1. Orchard Management:
    • Establishment and Layout: Setting up and organizing orchards.
    • Training and Pruning: Techniques for orchard management.
    • Propagation: Methods and techniques for cultivating different varieties.
  2. Fruit Cultivation:
    • Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Mango, banana, citrus, guava, grape, pineapple, papaya.
    • Temperate Fruits: Apple, pear, peach, plum.
  3. Plantation Crops and Spices:
    • Examples: Coconut, cashew nut, black pepper, coriander, turmeric.
    • Physiological Disorders: Major disorders affecting these crops.
  4. Vegetable Crops:
    • Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate Crops: Includes cole crops (cauliflower, cabbage, knol khol), cucurbits (pumpkin, bottlegourd, bittergourd, luffa, muskmelon, watermelon, cucumber), root crops (radish, tapioca, sweet potato, potato), leafy vegetables (fenugreek, spinach), and solanaceous crops (tomato, chillies, brinjal).
  5. Nursery Techniques: Techniques for raising plant nurseries.
  6. Nutritional Value: Contribution of fruits and vegetables to human nutrition.
  7. Ripening Physiology: Basic principles of fruit and vegetable ripening.
  8. Post-Harvest Management:
    • Product Types: Types of fruit and vegetable products.
    • Disease Control: Managing fungal and bacterial infections in storage.
  9. Floriculture:
    • Commercial Flowers: Includes rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, marigold, tuberose, gladiolus, orchids.
  10. Landscape Gardening:
    • Establishment of Lawns: Planting and maintaining lawns, shrubs, trees, creepers, hedges, and annuals.
    • Garden Types: Different styles of gardens.
  11. Crop Improvement Techniques:
    • Breeding Methods: Pure line selection, pedigree selection, backcrossing, and mass selection.
    • Genetic Concepts: Male sterility, incompatibility, heterosis (hybrid vigor).
  12. Nutrient Management:
    • Plant Nutrients: Identifying nutrient deficiency symptoms.
    • Soil Amendments: Types of manures and fertilizers.
  13. Irrigation and Pest Management:
    • Irrigation Systems: Various irrigation methods.
    • Pest and Disease Management: Key techniques for managing pests and diseases in fruits and vegetables.


  • Sub-Subjects: 9.1: Forest Production & Utilization
  • 9.2: Silviculture & Agroforestry
  • 9.3: Forest Resource Management
  • 9.4: Forest Biology and Tree Improvement

UNIT-I: Basics of Agriculture, Forestry, and Livestock

  1. Agriculture, Forestry, and Livestock in the Economy: Overview of their role and significance in India’s economy.
  2. Crop Production Basics: Foundational principles of growing and managing crops.
  3. Rural Development Programs: Key programs and policies aimed at rural development in India.
  4. Economics and Agricultural Extension:
    • Basic economic principles as they apply to agriculture.
    • Introduction to agricultural extension and its role in supporting farmers and rural communities.
  5. Agricultural Research and Education: Overview of the organizational structure supporting agricultural research, education, and extension in India.
  6. Crop Pests and Diseases: Major diseases and pests affecting crops, including identification and basic management practices.
  7. Basic Statistics: Introduction to essential statistical concepts relevant to agricultural research and analysis.

UNIT-II: Forestry and Agroforestry

  1. Forestry Fundamentals:
    • Importance of Forests: Contribution of forests to ecological and economic health.
    • Forest Types and Classification: Different types of forests and their classifications.
    • Forest Ecosystem: Biotic and abiotic components, ecological succession, and climax communities.
  2. Forestry Techniques:
    • Nursery and Planting Techniques: Methods for starting and planting trees.
    • Types of Forestry: Social, farm, urban, and community forestry.
    • Forest Management and Silviculture: Practices and principles for managing forests, including natural regeneration and man-made plantations.
    • Specialized Forestry Techniques: Taungya (agroforestry method), dendrology (study of trees), and wood classification (hardwood, softwood).
  3. Forestry Applications:
    • Forest Uses: Pulp wood, fuel wood, and multipurpose tree species.
    • Wasteland Management: Rehabilitation of degraded land through forestry practices.
  4. Agroforestry:
    • Importance and Land Use: The role of agroforestry in sustainable land use.
    • Forest Soils and Conservation: Classification and conservation of forest soils.
  5. Forest and Land Management:
    • Watershed Management: Techniques for conserving and managing watershed areas.
    • Genetics and Biotechnology: Forest genetics, biotechnology, and tree improvement.
    • Tree Seed Technology: Practices for tree seed conservation and propagation.
  6. Wildlife and Rangeland Management:
    • Wildlife Conservation: Importance, management practices, and conservation of wildlife.
    • Rangelands: Management of rangeland ecosystems.
  7. Forest Products:
    • Major and Minor Products: Includes medicinal and aromatic plants.
    • Inventory and Remote Sensing: Techniques like forest inventory, aerial photo interpretation, and remote sensing for forest assessment.
  8. Forest Depletion and Environmental Impact:
    • Deforestation and Degradation: Effects of forest loss on ecosystems and climate.
    • Climate Change: Role of forests in mitigating global warming.
  9. Pests, Diseases, and Wood Preservation:
    • Tree Health: Common tree pests and diseases, management, and preservation of wood through biological and chemical means.
  10. Forest Policies and Legislation:
    • Forest Conservation: Policies and practices for conserving forests in India.
    • Indian Forest Act and Policies: Key laws and acts related to forest management.
    • Forest Engineering: Engineering applications in forest management.
    • Forest Economics and Joint Management: Economic principles in forestry, including joint forest management and collaboration with tribal communities (tribology).

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