[PDF] BSc Agriculture 4th semester Notes Download

BSc Agriculture fourth semester notes pdf – There are total 10 courses in BSc Agriculture 4th semester. All of the notes are given below click on the link to download the notes pdf.

About BSc Agriculture

BSc Agriculture is an undergraduate four years program divided into eight semesters focused on the science and practice of farming and crop production. It covers a range of topics including soil science, plant biology, pest management, and agricultural economics. This degree prepares students for careers in farming, agribusiness, research, and environmental management, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills to address global food security and sustainable agricultural practices.

BSc Agriculture fourth semester notes pdf download

Crop Production Technology –II (Rabi Crops)Download
Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and LandscapingDownload
Renewable Energy and Green TechnologyDownload
Problematic Soils and their ManagementDownload
Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation CropsDownload
Principles of Seed TechnologyDownload
Farming System & Sustainable AgricultureDownload
Agricultural Marketing Trade & PricesDownload
Introductory Agrometeorology & Climate ChangeDownload
Elective CourseDownload
BSc Agriculture Notes

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BSc Agriculture 4th semester Notes Download

BSc Agriculture 1st Semester Notes Download

BSc Agriculture fourth semester syllabus

Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops) 2(1+1)

Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of Rabi crops; cereals –wheat and barley, pulseschickpea, lentil, peas, oilseeds-rapeseed, mustard and sunflower; sugar crops-sugarcane; other crops- potato,Forage crops-berseem, lucerne and oat.
Sowing methods of wheat and sugarcane, identification of weeds in rabi season crops, study of morphological characteristics of rabi crops, study of yield contributing
characters of rabi season crops, yield and juice quality analysis of sugarcane, study of important agronomic experiments of rabi crops at experimental farms. Study of rabi
forage experiments, oil extraction of medicinal crops, visit to research stations of related crops.

Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAPs and Landscaping 2(1+1)

Importance and scope of ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and landscaping.Principles of landscaping. Landscape uses of trees, shrubs and climbers.
Production technology of important cut flowers like rose, gerbera, carnation, lilium and orchids under protected conditions and gladiolus, tuberose, chrysanthemum under open
conditions.Package of practices for loose flowers like marigold and jasmine under open conditions. Production technology of important medicinal plants like asparagus, aloe,
costus, Cinnamomum, periwinkle, isabgol and aromatic plants like mint, lemongrass, citronella,palmarosa, ocimum, rose, geranium, vetiver.Processing and value addition in
ornamental crops and MAPs produce.
Identification of Ornamental plants. Identification of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Nursery bed preparation and seed sowing. Training and pruning of Ornamental plants.
Planning and layout of garden. Bed preparation and planting of MAP. Protected structures – care and maintenance. Intercultural operations in flowers and MAP. Harvesting and
post harvest handling of cut and loose flowers. Processing of MAP. Visit to commercial flower/MAP unit.

Renewable Energy and Green Technology2(1+1)

Classification of energy sources, contribution of these of sources in agricultural sector, Familiarization with biomass utilization for biofuel production and their application,
Familiarization with types of biogas plants and gasifiers, biogas, bioalcohol, biodiesel and biooil production and their utilization as bioenergy resource, introduction of solar
energy, collection and their application, Familiarization with solar energy gadgets: solar cooker, solar water heater, application of solar energy: solar drying, solar pond, solar
distillation, solar photovoltaic system and their application, introduction of wind energy and their application.
Familiarization with renewable energy gadgets. To study biogas plants, To study gasifier, To study the production process of biodiesel, To study briquetting machine, To study
the production process of bio-fuels. Familiarization with different solar energy gadgets. To study solar photovoltaic system: solar light, solar pumping, solar fencing. To study
solar cooker, To study solar drying system. To study solar distillation and solar pond.

Problematic Soils and their Management2(2+0)

Soil quality and health, Distribution of Waste land and problem soils in India. Their categorization based on properties. Reclamation and management of Saline and sodic soils,
Acid soils, Acid Sulphate soils, Eroded and Compacted soils, Flooded soils, Polluted soils.
Irrigation water – quality and standards, utilization of saline water in agriculture. Remote sensing and GIS in diagnosis and management of problem soils.
Multipurpose tree species, bio remediation through MPTs of soils, land capability and classification, land suitability classification. Problematic soils under different Agroecosystems.

Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops 2(1+1)

Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crop industry in India; High density planting; Use of rootstocks; Production technologies for the cultivation of major fruits-mango,
banana, citrus, grape, guava, litchi, papaya, apple, pear, peach and; minor fruits- pineapple, pomegranate, jackfruit, strawberry, nut crops; plantation crops-coconut, arecanut,
cashew, tea, coffee & rubber.
Seed propagation. Scarification and stratification of seeds. Propagation methods for fruit and plantation crops including Micro-propagation. Description and identification of
fruit. Preparation of plant bio regulators and their uses, Pests, diseases and physiological disorders of above fruit and plantation crops, Visit to commercial orchard.

Principles of Seed Technology3(1+2)

Seed and seed technology: introduction, definition and importance. Deterioration causes of crop varieties and their control; Maintenance of genetic purity during seed
production, seed quality; Definition, Characters of good quality seed, different classes of seed. Foundation and certified seed production of important cereals, pulses, oilseeds,
fodder and vegetables. Seed certification, phases of certification, procedure for seed certification, field inspection. Seed Act and Seed Act enforcement. Duty and powers of
seed inspector, offences and penalties. Seeds Control Order 1983, Varietal Identification through Grow Out Test and Electrophoresis, Molecular and Biochemical test. Detection
of genetically modified crops, Transgene contamination in non-GM crops, GM crops and organic seed production.
Seed drying, processing and their steps, seed testing for quality assessment, seed treatment, its importance, method of application and seed packing. Seed storage; general
principles, stages and factors affecting seed longevity during storage. Measures for pest and disease control during storage. Seed marketing: structure and organization, sales
generation activities, promotional media. Factors affecting seed marketing, Role of WTO and OECD in seed marketing.
Seed production in major cereals: Wheat, Rice, Maize, Sorghum and Bajra. Seed production in major pulses: Urd, Mung, Pigeonpea, Lentil, Gram, Fieldpea. Seed production in
major oilseeds: Soybean, Rapeseed and Mustard. Seed production in vegetable crops. Seed sampling and testing: Physical purity, germination, viability, etc. Seed and seedling
vigour test. Genetic purity test: Grow out test and electrophoresis. Seed certification: Procedure, Field inspection, Preparation of field inspection report. Visit to seed production farms, seed testing laboratories and seed processing plant.

Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture 1(1+0)

Farming System-scope, importance, and concept, Types and systems of farming system and factors affecting types of farming, Farming system components and their
maintenance, Cropping system and pattern, multiple cropping system, Efficient cropping system and their evaluation, Allied enterprises and their importance, Tools for
determining production and efficiencies in cropping and farming system; Sustainable agriculture-problems and its impact on agriculture, indicators of sustainability, adaptation
and mitigation, conservation agriculture strategies in agriculture, HEIA, LEIA and LEISA and its techniques for sustainability, Integrated farming system-historical background,
objectives and characteristics, components of IFS and its advantages, Site specific development of IFS model for different agro-climatic zones, resource use efficiency and
optimization techniques, Resource cycling and flow of energy in different farming system, farming system and environment, Visit of IFS model in different agro-climatic zones of
nearby states University/ institutes and farmers field.

Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices3(2+1)

Agricultural Marketing: Concepts and definitions of market, marketing, agricultural marketing, market structure, marketing mix and market segmentation, classification and
characteristics of agricultural markets; demand, supply and producer’s surplus of agri-commodities: nature and determinants of demand and supply of farm products,
producer’s surplus – meaning and its types, marketable and marketed surplus, factors affecting marketable surplus of agri-commodities; product life cycle (PLC) and
competitive strategies: Meaning and stages in PLC; characteristics of PLC; strategies in different stages of PLC; pricing and promotion strategies: pricing considerations and
approaches – cost based and competition based pricing; market promotion – advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity – their meaning and merits & demerits;
marketing process and functions: Marketing process-concentration, dispersion and equalization; exchange functions – buying and selling; physical functions – storage,
transport and processing; facilitating functions – packaging, branding, grading, quality control and labeling (Agmark);Market functionaries and marketing channels: Types and
importance of agencies involved in agricultural marketing; meaning and definition of marketing channel;number of channel levels; marketing channels for different farm
products; Integration, efficiency, costs and price spread: Meaning, definition and types of market integration; marketing efficiency; marketing costs, margins and price spread;
factors affecting cost of marketing; reasons for higher marketing costs of farm commodities; ways of reducing marketing costs; Role of Govt. in agricultural marketing: Public
sector institutions- CWC, SWC, FCI, CACP & DMI – their objectives and functions; cooperative marketing in India; Risk in marketing: Types of risk in marketing; speculation &
hedging; an overview of futures trading; Agricultural prices and policy: Meaning and functions of price; administered prices; need for agricultural price policy; Trade: Concept of
International Trade and its need, theories of absolute and comparative advantage. Present status and prospects of international trade in agri-commodities; GATT and WTO;
Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and its implications on Indian agriculture; IPR.

Plotting and study of demand and supply curves and calculation of elasticities; Study of relationship between market arrivals and prices of some selected commodities;
Computation of marketable and marketed surplus of important commodities; Study of price behaviour over time for some selected commodities; Construction of index
numbers; Visit to a local market to study various marketing functions performed by different agencies, identification of marketing channels for selected commodity, collection of
data regarding marketing costs, margins and price spread and presentation of report in the class; Visit to market institutions – NAFED, SWC, CWC, cooperative marketing
society, etc. to study their organization and functioning; Application of principles of comparative advantage of international trade.

Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices3(2+1)

Agricultural Marketing: Concepts and definitions of market, marketing, agricultural marketing, market structure, marketing mix and market segmentation, classification and
characteristics of agricultural markets; demand, supply and producer’s surplus of agri-commodities: nature and determinants of demand and supply of farm products,
producer’s surplus – meaning and its types, marketable and marketed surplus, factors affecting marketable surplus of agri-commodities; product life cycle (PLC) and
competitive strategies: Meaning and stages in PLC; characteristics of PLC; strategies in different stages of PLC; pricing and promotion strategies: pricing considerations and
approaches – cost based and competition based pricing; market promotion – advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity – their meaning and merits & demerits;
marketing process and functions: Marketing process-concentration, dispersion and equalization; exchange functions – buying and selling; physical functions – storage,
transport and processing; facilitating functions – packaging, branding, grading, quality control and labeling (Agmark);Market functionaries and marketing channels: Types and
importance of agencies involved in agricultural marketing; meaning and definition of marketing channel;number of channel levels; marketing channels for different farm
products; Integration, efficiency, costs and price spread: Meaning, definition and types of market integration; marketing efficiency; marketing costs, margins and price spread;
factors affecting cost of marketing; reasons for higher marketing costs of farm commodities; ways of reducing marketing costs; Role of Govt. in agricultural marketing: Public
sector institutions- CWC, SWC, FCI, CACP & DMI – their objectives and functions; cooperative marketing in India; Risk in marketing: Types of risk in marketing; speculation &
hedging; an overview of futures trading; Agricultural prices and policy: Meaning and functions of price; administered prices; need for agricultural price policy; Trade: Concept of
International Trade and its need, theories of absolute and comparative advantage. Present status and prospects of international trade in agri-commodities; GATT and WTO;
Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and its implications on Indian agriculture; IPR.


Plotting and study of demand and supply curves and calculation of elasticities; Study of relationship between market arrivals and prices of some selected commodities;
Computation of marketable and marketed surplus of important commodities; Study of price behaviour over time for some selected commodities; Construction of index
numbers; Visit to a local market to study various marketing functions performed by different agencies, identification of marketing channels for selected commodity, collection of
data regarding marketing costs, margins and price spread and presentation of report in the class; Visit to market institutions – NAFED, SWC, CWC, cooperative marketing
society, etc. to study their organization and functioning; Application of principles of comparative advantage of international trade.

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